Friday, December 27, 2019

How Transmedia Has Worked And Is So Successful - 1587 Words

Transmedia has been a huge part of how Marvel Studios have worked and is so successful(Menard, 2014). Every single movie feels unique, but also it feels like it is part of a bigger universe(Weekend Warrior, 2016). Transmedia have been making the Marvel Studios bigger and more interconnected for almost 10 years(ComicBookCast, 2016). Transmedia has made Marvel Studios able to build the larger world that they have established(ComicBookCast,2016). Transmedia has made watching all Marvel Studios movies worth it, because of the various easter eggs(Menard, 2014). For example, the references that are made is Thor, Iron Man, and The Avengers(Menard, 2014) . In Iron Man 3, they reference how the impact that Thor had on the World, and in the same†¦show more content†¦The themes in Marvel Studios have never been misunderstood or misrepresented in a way that the audience could not comprehended it, even if the scale of realism is on the complete opposite sides of each other(ComicBookCast2 , 2016). Examples that will be discussed are Guardians Of The Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Captain America: Winter Soldier, and Thor. Guardians Of The Galaxy and Doctor Strange were projected to fail by almost every critic(ComicBookCast2, 2016). Almost everyone had never heard of Guardians Of The Galaxy except the hard core fans of the comics(Weekend Warrior, 2016). Kevin Feige wanted to push the idea of expanded universe and the only way he wanted to do it was Guardians Of The Galaxy(Weekend Warrior, 2016). Guardians Of The Galaxy had a lot of crazy aspect that gets dive into to, but it somehow breaks all expectation and it succeeds far more than it has been(ComicBookCast2, 2014). Guardians Of The Galaxy has extraordinary characters that is relatable, such as Drax and Peter Quill. Drax is trying to avenge his family that was killed by Ronan the Accuser, and Peter Quill regrets not saying goodbye to his mother right before she died(ComicBookCast2, 2014). These two characters have something in common, which is they both have burden placed on their lives(Menard, 2014). They both can’t shake the feeling of what has been done, and they both blame themselvesShow MoreRelatedWith The Movie Industry On The Rise In The 21Th Century,1725 Words   |  7 Pagesheroes into movie stars(Comicbookcast2,2016). Marvel Studios’ films has not released a critically bad movie, and they beat out the gold standard that Pixar has maintained(T.V. Junkie, 2016). Marvel Studios has been steamrolling all of the movies that the other studios(T.V. Junkie, 2016). Marvel Studios has been known at making decades worth of emotional, dramatic, entertaining movies, but in order to understand how they are so successful at capturing a wide variety of public audience, the following mustRead MoreThe Marvel Of Marvel Studios1849 Words   |  8 PagesMarvel Studios’ movies is like a path to travel on as an audience member (Menard, 2014, p. 28). Across a decade worth of films and tv shows, there has been a there has been more than 60 characters that the Marvel Studios universe contains (Menard, 2014, p. 54). Ther e has been a lot of conflict and character development, because of the multiple events that happens in the other movies (ComicBookCast2,2016). There a lot of example of this happening, such as the new york event in The Avengers (ComicBookCast2

Thursday, December 19, 2019

No Child Left Behind Assessment Essay - 1289 Words

If a standardized test was a contestant on Dancing With the Stars or American Idol, would it be voted off? Depends on whether the judges were politicians, professors, psychologists or parents. The stakes are high; ideology and money are at stake, and accountability is on the line. Using standardized tests as quantitative measurement tools have important implications for American education, â€Å"quality of assessment is one of the key features of good teaching and setting appropriate assessment tasks should question students in a way that demands evidence of understanding† (Jimaa, 20011, p. 217). The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) education reform program is a good example of this concept. The ambitious federal education bill that President†¦show more content†¦After a century and a half of universal public education, and despite the highest per-pupil expenditure on public elementary and secondary education in the world, forty percent of United States fourth graders read below the minimally acceptable level, according to National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). And for minority students in inner-city schools, that rate is 65 percent. It is an accepted fact that children who do not read by fourth grade almost always fall behind in all other subjects. (It is even more moving to realize that children learned to read well in one-room schoolhouses before all of the debate about â€Å"best practices,† pedagogy, etc.) The NCLB act required mandatory annual testing in basic reading and math skills for all children in grades three through eight. The results required scores to be broken down by race, sex, English-language proficiency, and socioeconomic status, and made public. (States were permitted to develop their own tests subject to federal oversight.) The mandatory testing requirement served to hold schools accountable. â€Å"However, for the most part states did not examine the effects of testing on educational practice. That was an important omission because one of the central assumptions of NCLB was the provision of high-quality information that would promote improved educationalShow MoreRelated The No Child Left Behind Act: Impact on the Assessment of Special Education Students3353 Words   |  14 PagesThe No Child Left Behind Act: Impact on the Assessment of Special Education Students Three years after the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) moved into our schools there is a great deal of controversy that questions whether the act implemented by President George W. Bush is helping or hurting an already suffering school system. There are many dimensions of the NCLB act that have been questioned over the past three years; the fair assessment of students with disabilities is one of them. As the NationalRead MoreShould Children Have A Special Need?1676 Words   |  7 Pagesor unable to reach grade level standards? The No Child Left Behind Act gives all children a fair, equal chance to reach the minimum proficiency on standard academic assessments that they are expected to take whether they have a disability or not. The current talk among professionals is that they believe that these assessments deal with the amount of student’s graduating high school and the choice of public schools. Not only are these assessments being given to students to test their knowledge,Read MoreThe Debate Over the No Child Left Behind Act Essay1014 Words   |  5 Pagessurrounding the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 are both positive and negative. Many politicians and people that previously supported the Act are now standing against it. In the beginning many supported the new Act because everyone was aware that a change needed to happen in the education system and the proposal of No Child Left Behind seemed like the answer we were looking for. As the No Child Left Behind requirements began to be felt in the school systems across America and the assessments results startedRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Act Essay1646 Words   |  7 Pages The No Child Left Behind Act was based on the Elementary Sec ondary Education Act of 1965. The act was established based on the promise of Thomas Jefferson to create a free public education system in Virginia (Hammond, Kohn, Meier, Sizer Wood, 2004). The act is now reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act was to make sure that children were given a fair, quality education. The act set out to close the achievement gaps in educationRead MoreHow Education Is The Key Focus On Improving Test Scores1635 Words   |  7 Pagesschool, teaching levels, what should be taught and standardized test to check for improvement, and are working on implementing another one called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). George Bush introduced the ‘No Child Left behind Act’ (NCLB) in 2002. Since 1969 the ‘National Assessment of Educational Progress’ (NAEP) has provided data on students’ test scores and performances. The ‘Mississippi Curriculum Test, Second Edition ’ (MCT2) was founded on the MS frameworks of the 2006 Language Arts andRead MoreEssay on The Impact of No Child Left Behind1000 Words   |  4 PagesThe No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was a piece of legislation proposed by the administration of George W. Bush. The legislation required states to develop educational plans to address issues of assessments, standards, and accountability. Under the No Child Left Behind Act, states would have to administer tests yearly in reading, math, and science. No Child Left Behind holds school districts accountable for student achievement or lack of achievement. No Child Left Behind legislation is basedRead MoreThe Ramifications of Government Reform on Education Essay1354 Words   |  6 Pageseducation in America. However, government acts like No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Common Core curriculums have been put into effect in order to reverse America’s position. They are best understood as tools to bridge the achievement gap re gardless of what a child may look like, sound like, or what part of the nation they come from. These programs are designed to help all children excel in school no matter what. Even though the No Child Left Behind Act significantly increased the average performanceRead MoreImportance of Educational Assessment Tools Essay567 Words   |  3 Pagesinconsistencies with the testing data. As educators, we have persistent questions as why we do what we do. From classroom instructional strategies and assessments to positive behavior and classroom management; the more we reflect and question instructional decisions that are taking place within our classroom, school, and county. The No Child Left Behind Act is a legislation that is a reality all over the nation. According to Spellings (2007), the NCLB Act recognizes what truly make a difference inRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind Act Essay1731 Words   |  7 Pageshas instilled in our youths. At the turn of the century, there seemed to be a shift. And that shift is due, in part, to the introduction of the No Child Left Behind Act, a federal public education act that forces schools to follow certain policies and meets standards in order to receive federal funding. It is believed by many that No Child Left Behind has assisted in the marginalization of arts education in public schools by way of prioritizing core subjects. This thinking, and by conjecture thisRead MoreEducation Is An Important Part Of Society1690 Words   |  7 Pageswould receive a good education. However, not every child was receiving the same education opportunities based on money issues surrounding them and the minority they were classifi ed as, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was to ensure that these issues would be dissolve. On January 8th of 2002, six months and one war later after George W. Bush first proposed the No Child Left Behind bill, it was finally passed. Under the No Child Left Behind, every state was required to develop and implement strict

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Paul Cezanne Essay Example For Students

Paul Cezanne Essay Paul Czannewas born in Aix-en-Provence, a small town south of France. As a young boy, Czannespassions lay in his poetry and his friends, including Emile Zola (Preble 402). Czanneis included in the time of the Post-Impressionists. Czanne wanted to makeImpressionism into something solid and enduring like the art of museums (Preble401). Czanne did not have a typical, (as I define as friendly), relationshipwith his father. Czanne had some problems with his father. Czannes fatherwanted for Czanne to be a lawyer. His father had sent him to a college forlawyers but Czanne was coaxed otherwise by his friend Zola her moved to Paris(Preble 402). Czannes father had bought the Jas de Bouffan, which would bethe place that Czanne did many of his works (Rewald 21). The Jas de Bouffanwould be their residence for over a half a century. In one of Czannespaintings of their residence he omits people and animals that, like in most ofhis paintings, would disrupt the unchanging features of the scene (Murph y 150). Czannes father was always in a struggle with his son. His father was onethat could not comprehend anyone being able to be successful in anything thatdid not make him or her rich. One thing that his father had to be able torecognize was that his son had determination, but his father was utterly blindin seeing his sons talent (Rewald 35). When Czannes father died, Czannespoke of him as a genius for leaving him an income of 25,000 francs (Murphy123). Czanne married his 12-year affair Hortense Fiquet. A few months aftertheir marriage, Czannes father died. Hortense was not welcome at the Jas deBouffan by Czannes mother and sister. People say that his mother and sisterbanned her from the house and they were in a rage of giving her too much money(Murphy 117). Czannes sister, Marie, was the one that encouraged themarriage, even though she disliked Hortense, in hope that in would lift thespirits of her brother. Hortense and Czanne did not along very well (Rewald125). Even after their marriage , Czanne had no thought about living the Jas orhis other and sister. Czanne thought that 16,000 francs, which were her share,was all that she needed (Rewald 125). Emile Zola was Pauls best friend. Czanneand Zola were attracted by their shared interest in literary movements andartists. Zola and Czanne played an important role in each others life withZola helping start Czannes art career and Czanne helping Zola to startthinking about pictorial art (Murphy 14). Czanne at one point thought he couldwrite and some of his works are found in his letters to Zola: Dark, thickunwelcome mist covers me up; The sun withdraws its last handful of diamonds(Murphy 14). Zola was a very important person on telling the history of Czanne. However, their friendship had its rocky times and its breakup by Zola. Zola canrecall the complete disorder of Czannes studio (Rewald 62). Zola tells ushow Czanne rarely swept the interior of his studio for fear that the dustwould disrupt his works. Czanne based his work on the observation of natureand used separate strokes that were visible to make rich surfaces (Preble 400). Czanne tried counting on the connection between adjacent strokes of color toshow the entirety of the form and the space decreasing. In Czannes TheSaint Victoire from Bellevue we can see how Czanne uses this technique to showspace and depth from a flat plane. Czanne likes to make alterations on natureand enlarge the mountain; Czanne also makes spatiality more clear and distinctthan the actual photographs of the motifs (Loran 125). Czanne seemed to beobsessed by this mountain and somewhat exaggerated the size of it in every oneof his paintings (Murphy 154). In another view of this, entitled Mont Saint-Victoire,Czanne uses the tree to show height by extending it the entire length of thecanvas. Czanne utilizes color contrasts to show depth playing with cool andwarm color shifts (Schapiro 66). Czanne painted this scene at least 60 timesfrom every possible angle. Czanne had a very distinct style of painting. Tomove out of the style of the broken-color of the Impressionists, Czannecreated t he system of modulating the colors from a volume of cool to warm orlight to dark. He made a series of steps (Loran 25). As the colors begin tooverlap they are creating a three-dimensional image. Czanne very seldom evermade a line around his paintings (Loran 26). Czanne would make the linesvirtually disappear off the edge thus creating more volume. This would make Czannespaintings pass to the negative or the background (Loran 26). This technique canbe seen in Czannes Still Life with Apples, a Bottle, and a Milk Pot (Rewald253). In this painting we are able to see the way Czanne literally escapes theuse of encompassing lines. Czanne loses the edges in this painting producingan image of it pass into the background. Let us return to the color modulationthat Czanne created. Color balance was one final aim for Czanne. Czanneslight sources are moderately consistent and his shadows are a very importantelement to his color (Loran 28). Czanne was known to work on several canvasesat one time c hanging from one to the other depending on the time of day or thelocation of the sun. One of his paintings that express this color balance isChestnut Trees and Farmhouse at the Jas de Bouffan (Rewald 150). In thispainting Czanne is also building on the volumes, which leads us to the nextperspective on his work. Czanne used lines to create planes, but he usedplanes to create volume. If every artist can agree on one thing, it is that Czanneachieved volume (Loran 27). In Czannes The Quarry Called Bibemus, thevolume is accentuated. Czanne relies on warm-to-cold contrasts and overlappingforms to give the volume instead of linear and aerial perspective (Murphy 81). .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .postImageUrl , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:hover , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:visited , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:active { border:0!important; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:active , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: From Dirt to Duchess EssayThe color contrast between the bright green tree and the orange rock make thespace perfectly clear without the use of lines (Loran 71). Czanne had problemswith perspective. In his Road to Gardanne, Czanne drastically changes thescene in order to organize space. Czanne compresses the size of the foregroundand makes the road with a sharper turn. Czanne also reduces the size of thetrees immensely, but increases the size of the bridge immensely (Loran 48). Thissame technique is also used in Mardi Gras and Harlequin. This is one of hismonumental works in which he struggles with his space organization. His son,Paul, posed for the paintings as Harlequin (Murphy 108). In this photo Czanneshows his struggle of space by adding sections to the plane. We can see acrinkle in the canvas area of the ankle and toe of Harlequin. Czanne alsocaused distortions in his paintings that were merely accidental. Due to the factthat Czanne would still be scheming his paintings distortion was often made(Loran 29). We can see this in his artwork entitled Women Bathers (Schapiro117). We can see in this painting how the head of one of the women is distortedand somewhat absent from the painting. His distortion was sometimes justconsidered a lack of dexterity and manual skill, which he later mastered. It issaid that because Czanne had not reduced himself to simple abstract shapesthere were distortions. He was still trying to capture the realistic look bysmudging and smearing (Loran 95). The paintings distortion can also beexplained by the fact that he did all canvases at one time which did not allowhim much accuracy on the human figure. Much distortion can be seen in thepainting of another Bathers (Rewald 87). In this painting, the bathers can noteven be distinguished without reading the name. In Czannes LEstaque, Czanneis showing how he unifies the foreground and background of some of his paintings(Schapiro 63). Unlike the original picture of this scene where the foregroundand background are clearly separate, Czannes paintings unify hem into one,so that they merge to look continuous with one another. Czanne is losing theaerial perspective that is held highly among the Impressionists (Loran 106). Works Cited 1Loran, Erle. Czannes Composition: Analysis of His Form withDiagrams and Photographs of his Motifs. University of California Press, 1970. 2Murphy, Richard W. The World of Czanne : 1839-1906. Time-Life Books, Inc.,1968. 3Preble, Duane, Preble, Sarah, and Frank, Patrick, Artforms: AnIntroduction to the Visual Arts. Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Addison Wesley Longman, 1999. 4Rewald, John. Czanne: A Biography. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1986. 5Schapiro, Meyer. Paul Czanne. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.,1952. Bibliography1Loran, Erle. Czannes Composition: Analysis of His Form with Diagramsand Photographs of his Motifs. University of California Press, 1970. 2Murphy,Richard W. The World of Czanne : 1839-1906. Time-Life Books, Inc., 1968. 3Preble, Duane, Preble, Sarah, and Frank, Patrick, Artforms: An Introduction tothe Visual Arts. Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Addison WesleyLongman, 1999. 4Rewald, John. Czanne: A Biography. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.,1986. 5Schapiro, Meyer. Paul Czanne. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1952. Arts and Painting

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Killers Essays - The Killers, Ernest Hemingway, Nick Adams

The Killers The Killers by Ernest Hemingway is a story based upon Hemingways view of the big city in the late 1920s. During the era of prohibition whoever controlled the flow of alcohol controlled the city. Unfortunately, the police were powerless against man thirst for booze. The Mafia also expanded into the bookie field, and if someone didnt pay up or double crossed the Mafia they were taken out. Hemingway was unfamiliar with this city scene and we can see a very strong correlation between him and one of his characters, Nick Adams. Nick was a newcomer to the city, completely unfamiliar with the boldness of disregard for the law that was present. The Theme that I feel Hemingway is trying to convey is how much corruption and disregard for the law there was in the late 1920s. The plot of this story primarily consists of an attempted murder that takes place in a lunchroom diner. The diner itself plays an important role in the setting of the story. It gives us insight into the lives of two of the customers, Nick Adams and Ole Anderson. When we ask ourselves what type of a person would have gone to a diner in the late 1920s, it reminds us of the common, single, working man. This is also the type of person who would be more susceptible to making a bet with a bookie, throwing a fight for a bet, or even making some other sort of deal with the Mafia. The town in which the diner is located in also plays an important task in giving the killers an underlying importance. This underlying importance displays an early dominance from these two characters. The backdrop to the action in the The Killers is a static, conventional town that, like the universe in which the killers operate, is colorless and passive(Taube 5). The lack of any other people, places or things being singled out shows the reader that the story will be centered in the diner. The Theme of the story was more or less an actual event that could have taken place in any one of the major cities in the late 1920s. When Mobsters ruled and the police where simply a slight annoyance. The two killers who entered the lunchroom were most likely Mafia hit men. As they leave, with Al only partially concealing the sawed-off shotgun, they further flaunt their disdain for the law(Geimer 1260). This Disdain for the law points to a more powerful organization than a simple murder. Oles response also points to a larger, higher power. His response is much like that of the older waiter: he is resigned not to life but to death. He repeatedly tells Nick Adams that there is nothing for him to do; he turns his face to the wall(Taube 6). Oles response also sheds light on the general attitude of the 1920s, which was to just mind your own business and leave everyone else alone. Even the cook, Sam, told Nick You better not have anything to do with it at all (Hemingway, 17). This sets the mobsters influence into perspective, showing us that the general public was under control of an unwritten, silent government. The reader was led to believe that the two killers, Max and Al, were Mafia hit men. While Hemingway never says if they were or werent, we can see instances where they switched from one to another. After Max and Al enter the diner they look at the menu to try and find something to eat so as not to look suspicious. When one of them tries to order from the dinner menu the waiter George states, Thats the dinner, you can get that at six oclock(Hemingway 12). The two men are left with no choice but to take a short order, so Al orders ham and eggs and Max orders bacon and eggs. When George returns with their food he cant remember which person ordered which meal, so he asks Al Which is yours? Al replies Dont you remember?, Ham and eggs.(Hemingway 13) After Al says this Max takes the platter closest to him which happens to be Als ham and eggs. Not only do the Killers

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Comparison of Leadership Styles Among the 2008 US Presidential Candidates essays

A Comparison of Leadership Styles Among the 2008 US Presidential Candidates essays A comparison of leadership styles among the 2008 US presidential candidates and which styles have been most successful in business and politics in the past: The 2008 elections in the United States are considered to be one of the most important elections in the recent history of the US. This assessment has two main considerations. On the one hand it represents an important moment from the point of view of the political spectrum, as the future of the United States and of the world is also decided upon. On the other hand, from the point of view of the candidates at the moment in the Democrats race there is an increase battle for nomination. Still, this competition makes them stronger and more willing to learn and help. Indeed, the 2008 elections represent a character statement and preference. Therefore, this is why it is important to have a personal style of conflict and of dealing with such issues. This is largely due to the fact that the electorate is seeking individuals that would represent them in all sorts of situations, including conflicting ones. At the same time though there must be qualities the people can identify with. This is one of the reasons for which there are different types of politicians, which appeal to different segments of the society and of the electoral poll. In order to assess the different styles which are present in the 2008 campaign candidates, it is important to take into account the different personalities. The most important candidates in the current race seem to be two Democrats, Clinton and Obama, and the Republican McCain. Taking into account the personal background of each, as well as the major policy lines they advocate, a certain style can be chosen to label them. First and foremost it is important to underline the fact that politics cannot be conducted without leadership. In this sense, political leadership is represents but one of the many categories of leadership, and it is a ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Insecure Writers, Heres Your Support Group

Insecure Writers, Heres Your Support Group Insecure Writers, Here's Your Support Group! - An Interview with Alex J. Cavanaugh Author communities, groups, forums, alliances and collectives are developing and proliferating at enormous speed as writers seem to be both excited by the new publishing world and worried it’s gotten too big and competitive to navigate on their own.Some groups focus on the writing, and have their members critique and hone each other’s writing skills. Others focus on the publishing options, and particularly the DIY one. Many mix both.When I first heard about the Insecure Writers Support Group, I liked the fact that it was both targeted (it’s for insecure writers) and open to all (mainstream, hybrid, indie). By clearly stating its purpose, IWSG fosters more transparent and open conversations around it.Today, we interview Alex J. Cavanaugh, sci-fi author and founder of IWSG.Hi Alex, great to have you here. Firstly, how did you start the Insecure Writers Group?Thanks, Ricardo! I started it after making a random comment to another author that he needed such a group. T he idea caught fire and in September 2011, we launched the group. Everyone posts the first Wednesday of the month, either about their insecurities, breakthroughs, or triumphs, and then they visit other blogger to encourage them. In September 2013, we launched the IWSG website and the IWSG Facebook group. Last year we joined forces with another Facebook group and formed the IWSG Critique Circle and we put together a book, The Insecure Writer’s Support Group’s Guide to Publishing and Beyond.There is a clichà © that all authors are insecure about their writing, at least in their early years. Do you think there’s any truth behind that?Absolutely! Writing is such a personal and creative thing, and we all have doubts about our abilities. I’ve yet to meet a writer who thought he rocked right out of the box.What’s your ambition for IWSG? You’ve added a lot of resource materials and some conversations are now more focused on tips and tricks for writ ing, marketing and publishing (as is the case in most author communities). Do you want to keep the â€Å"support† as core value in the group, or do you see it branching out?The tips and tricks are all part of the support. We can provide support through those posts and the database we maintain.I want to see this group grow on all fronts – blog participants, followers, and Facebook members. I want the site to become THE database of databases for writers. I’d also like to start a newsletter in the near future. Whatever we can do to connect authors and offer help.Orna Ross has been quoted saying: â€Å"A few years ago, writing was a very solitary profession. Now, I believe it’s one of the most social ones.† Is IWSG a good example of that?One of the best! Many members say IWSG post day is their favorite of the month and they receive so much encouragement – and give it. We’ve brought together so many writers, connecting them as friends, cri tique partners, and doorways to other opportunities.Do you think a lot of fantastic writing has never seen the light of day because writers didn’t get the moral support they needed when they doubted themselves?I’m sure there is some great writing hidden in the drawers of the world. It’s sad when writers don’t get support at home and can’t find connections elsewhere. Yes, you do have to have a thick skin and a strong drive, but everyone needs a boost now and then.Have you ever had to face writer’s block or self-doubt, and how did you overcome those?I’ve not really faced writer’s block. By the time I begin writing, I’ve had months to plan and form a detailed outline. Self-doubt has come with each new book I’ve written. Will my publisher accept it? Will fans like it? Will new fans find it? Between my fan base, friends, and the IWSG, everyone has pushed me through those doubts.I like the image of the lighthouse. Itâ⠂¬â„¢s one we’ve been using at Reedsy too. I feel like the waters of self-publishing are very unsure at the moment, almost impossible to navigate without first going through a very painful learning curve. What problems out there would you like to see startups like us try to address?I think letting writers know the process and the steps from writing to publication would give them an idea of what to expect. Just being able to connect with those who can help them is a big bonus with your site.One of our coming posts will be on author bundles. Do you think, like Mark Coker, that 2015 will be the year of collaboration between indie authors?I think it’s already happening. I know many self-published authors who have gotten together and created bundles. It’s a great way to gain more exposure.One of the things I’d really like to see, also, is more collaboration between indies, hybrids and mainstreams. Do you see something like this happening anytime soon, and what form could it take?I’d like to see that as well. The IWSG book was a collaboration, as we had a mixture of all three types of authors. I think the main thing would be working together and helping one another, and that could involve a lot of things – books, websites, tours, etc. After all, no matter the path, we’re all authors.Thanks again for the opportunity, Ricardo!You can follow Alex J. Cavanaugh, Reedsy, and myself on Twitter: @AlexJCavanaugh, @reedsyhq  and @RicardoFayetWhat do you personally think of the proliferation of communities, groups and alliances? Has being an author become one of the most social professions? Do you think insecure writers can benefit from a â€Å"support group†? Do join the conversation in the comments below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CORPORATE MANAGEMENT & FINANCE- Assessment Element 2 Essay

CORPORATE MANAGEMENT & FINANCE- Assessment Element 2 - Essay Example Financial Position Key Financial Indicator: This part of the report includes some key financial performance indicators for the three-retail giant of UK. This three company shares almost 72% of UK retail market share. Looking at the size of the company it is very important for management to identify the key financial performance indicator for their organisation. Sales Growth This is one of the major performance indicator for most of the companies particularly companies within retail sector. These companies are serving consumers by providing their basic and luxury items. Sales growth indicates company’s current position in the market as compare to its peer group. Since UK retail market is almost an oligopoly market it can be easily evaluate the performance and efficiency of the management of these three companies. Operating Profit Operating profit is another appropriate performance measurement indicator. Since these companies are largely utilising their fixed asset and labor, it is very important for this companies to maintain their operating cost efficiently. High labour cost or operating expenses can lead to a humongous loss to any firm and its shareholders. Financial Ratio: Any investors or potential investors generally analyse the financial ratios of a company before making an investment on it as they properly indicate the current position of the company. At the same time, these financial ratios are important from manager’s point of view also to assess their performance. While creditors also look at those ratios before giving any loan to the company. Precisely speaking everybody analyse the ratios before involving with any organisation. Ratios like ROE, EPS, and Dividend Payout are the most relevant from investor’s point of view as they are specifically indicate return generate by a company using invested capital. Whereas leverage ratios, efficiency ratio, operating or net profit depending on business (in retail industry operating) are of more interest to managers. While creditors i.e. lenders are more interested to see the efficiency and cash conversion ratios of a particular firm. Accordingly the below explained ratios are very important for retail industry. Operating Profit Margin: This indicates the operating profit as a percentage of sales. OPM signifies firm’s capability of generating profit from its operating activities. Generally, higher operating profit creates some tremendous investment opportunities for both investors and lenders. Total Asset Turnover: The ratio is an appropriate indicator of the fact that how efficiently and effectively company is utilising their assets to generate revenue. This ratio is very important for a retail company as they posse’s lots of fixed assets. The higher asset turnover signifies higher asset utilisation. This ratio is a good indicator of management efficiency. Higher asset turnover implies efficient management team. Current Ratio: This ratio is very importa nt from retail industry point of view as it indicates the liquidity position of the c

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HEALTHY PEOPLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HEALTHY PEOPLE - Essay Example Their subpopulations are culturally distinctive, diverse, and complex; live on nearly 300 locations in the lower 48 states, speaking more than 300 different languages (National Archives 2011). Top issue or problem: Alcohol takes a substantial toll among American Indians. They have a higher rate of alcohol-related death than the general U.S. population (May 1989). In every 100000 population covering both genders of American Indians in the age group of 25-34 years, 62.5 die from accident, 13.7 from homicide, 7.2 from heart disease and 6.4 from liver diseases (Healthy People 2011). A general observation is that alcohol abuse plays a significant role in these problems as it is a major factor in five of the 10 leading causes of mortality for American Indians (IHS, 1992). It is further corroborate by the fact that American Indian men die 2.8 times more frequently than non-Indian men from motor vehicle crashes, 2.7 times more from other accidents, 2.0 times more from suicide, 1.9 times more from homicide, and 6.8 times more frequently from alcoholism (alcohol dependence syndrome, alcoholic psychosis, and chronic liver disease and alcoholic cirrhosis) (May, 1996). For 19, 86 ­1,988, motor vehicle crashes, other accidents, suicide, homicide, and alcoholism caused a total of 5,781 American Indian deaths. 3,656 of these deaths are estimated to have involved alcohol (May 1989).There is the common view that Leland (1976) described in her book  Firewater Myths, that American Indians have an excessive craving for alcohol and to lose control of their behavior when they drink. Interventions that address the social and physical factors that influence alcohol abuse have the potential to prevent unintentional injuries and violence. Although, public health interventions are quite different in scope and application, however, most interventions share a similar path to succes

Friday, November 15, 2019

Determination of Diastereoselectivity Experiment

Determination of Diastereoselectivity Experiment Jackson Nguyen Determination of Diastereoselectivity using Thermodynamic vs. Kinetic Controlled Reduction Procedures: A Reduction of 4-tert-butylcyclohexanone Introduction: The goal in this experiment was to oxidize 4-t-butylcyclohexanol to 4-t-butylcyclohexanone and reduce back to the original compound. Additionally, the goal was to analyze the ratio of the diastereomers and dictate the reasoning behind the ratios. Theory: In this experiment, three reactions total were performed. One of which was oxidation, and the other two were reduction. The overall result in this experiment was that 4-t-butylcyclohexanol was oxidized and reduced back to an alcohol through two different reactions that gave the same products. In order to oxidize 4-t-butylcyclohexanol, sodium hypochlorite was used, along with acetic acid. Acetic acid was used to protonate the hypochlorite which would then protonate the alcohol group of the reactant. As a result, the hydroxyl group with the extra hydrogen became a great leaving group, allowing hypochlorite, a nucleophile, to attack. This allowed a base, such as water, to deprotonate a hydrogen and create a double bond with the oxygen bond, which allowed the chlorine to leave. Overall, this reaction produced 4-t-butylcyclohexanone as the product. After the oxidized product was created, two different types of reduction were used to reduce the product created from oxidation. Two reagents used in each reduction reaction were sodium borohydride and aluminum isopropoxide. Both reagents would create similar products; however, the ratios of diastereomers were different. For sodium borohydride, the hydrogen would attack the carbonyl of 4-t-butylcyclohexonone and create a negative oxygen. Ethanol would act as a proton source in the solution and protonate the oxygen, which created a hydroxyl group. On the other hand, the reduction reaction that involved aluminum isopropoxide had a different mechanism. The carbonyl group of the 4-t-butylcyclohexonone would attack the partial positive aluminum due to the electronegativity of the oxygen. A hydrogen would attack the double bond of the carbonyl group and carry electrons over and allow the oxygen to have two pairs of electrons. As a result, the bulky group of the reactant would leave by an addition of hydrogen to the molecule, which created 4-t-butylcyclohexanol. Overall, both different reagents provided the same results. However, the ratio of diastereomers was determined by the structure of the reagents. In order convert the carbonyl group into an alcohol, a bond must be formed at 107Â ° angle. By looking at the structure of the hexane ring, the molecule can be attacked at two different sides. On one side, there were hydrogen that can provide steric hindrance; whereas, the other side would be free. Aluminum isopropoxide was a bulky group that will not likely to attack the 4-t-butylcyclohexanone at the side that has hydrogen. Hence, it would attack the side that had greater room. As a result, there was a higher ratio of an axial attack, compared to an equatorial attack of hydrogen. On the other hand, sodium borohydride was not a bulky group; thus, the ratio of axial and equatorial attacks would be more equal. Mechanism: Results: Part A: Part B: Part C: Discussion: The three reactions completed during the experiment were successful. By doing a TLC test every several minutes helped indicate the completion of the reactions and ensured that no reactant were present. The first two parts that required TLC testing showed the comparison between the starting material and the reaction mixture. Since TLC was based on polarity and the distance traveled, the completion of the reaction were focused on the distance of the spots and whether the initial spot disappeared after the reaction took place. The two main compounds were 4-t-butylcyclohexanol and 4-t-butylcyclohexanone. In order to analyze these two compounds, the polarity between them was different. The former compound had an alcohol group that was able to form hydrogen bonds; whereas, the latter compound cannot. Therefore, the former compound was more polar than the latter. In the case of the TLC testing, 4-t-butylcyclohexanone that was created from oxidation in part A, would travel farthe r on the TLC plate. Indicated in the data obtained, no reactant was left after the reaction, which indicated the completion of oxidation. On the other hand, the TLC test in Part B showed the same result. The product, 4-t-butylcyclohexanol was expected to travel less due to its polarity. Also, the final result showed that no reactant was present, indicated by the absence of the spot compared to the spot of the starting material. On another note, isopropyl alcohol was used to eliminate the excess of hypochlorite in Part A. By reacting hypochlorite and isopropyl alcohol, acetone and water were produced. Hence, hypochlorite was used to oxidize isopropyl alcohol in order to create acetone, which was a solvent that would interfere with the reaction; thus, it provided no harm and affect the results. The percent yield was decent for part A and was low for Part B and C. Possible reasoning for this could be that the products were lost during the extraction. It was not likely that the issue resided in the reaction itself because TLC testing indicated that all the reactants were used up. Hence, it was more likely that the extraction process may account for the loss of products. On another note, the ratio of trans/cis of the commercially obtained alcohol mixture seemed to be 1:3. Additionally, the standard ratios of the stereoisomers were almost the same compared to the HNMR spectrums obtained from the experiment. Since the ratio was 1:3, the method most likely used to synthesize the 4-t-butylcyclohexanol was the Meerwein-Pondorff-Verley Reduction. Sources of Errors: No major errors occurred during the experiment. One possible error that may account for the low recover of product would be the extraction. The extraction process went too fast, which may cause some products to be lost in the aqueous layer. However, the aqueous layer was extracted once more, which can minimize the loss of products. This was a possibility. Conclusion and Future Experiments: The results from the experiment concluded that Meerwein-Pondorff-Verley Reduction was the method used to synthesize the commercially obtained 4-t-butylcyclohexanol. Additionally, the products from reactions were successfully obtained from the completed reactions. Future experiments would include multiple attempts of the reactions in order to obtain a higher yield. Although, the results concluded the exact method used, more HNMR spectrums from additional experiments would provide credibility.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Swot Analysis of Cango

SWOT is an acronym that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The SWOT analysis will help CanGo understand the opportunities that are available and what threats may affect its operations. Before moving forward CanGo needs to assess the position they currently have in the market place. The use of a SWOT analysis technique will be beneficial at this point and will serve as the baseline to elaborate on a strategic plan for the organization.Be Bold has been observing CanGo’s operations for a couple of months, and have developed the following preliminary SWOT Analysis from these observations:Strength Purchase an automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) to help improve the warehouse. An automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) is a great solution for CanGo’s inventory handling.CanGo has experienced exponential growth in their first two years of operation. CanGo has been recognized as one of the fastest growing small business in the Hudson Val ley. Constant interest in research and improving company. As we can see that CanGo is always looking for something new, they are always trying to beat their competitors, they are constantly trying to improve company, and find another way to be successful and gain profit.Weaknesses CanGo, Inc. has no vision or mission statement.Growth opportunities are imminent and the possibility to go public requires a clear vision and mission statement in order to understand their direction on the marketCanGo is lacking in management by objectives (MBO).The aim of MBO is to increase organizational performance by aligning goal and subordinate objectives throughout the organization.CanGo is missing a strategic management plan.A strategic approach will help CanGo build teamwork by developing commitment and trust; will strengthen the leadership team by aligning their goals with those of the CEO; and will move the organization from the current status quo to an organized environment with clear goal sett ing for the short and long term. to develop and maintain a viable fit between their objectives, resources, and opportunitiesNeed for systems analysis and programmer.The marketing department must focus and apply their expertise and support in the areas of market intelligence and strategic business planning.OpportunitiesDeveloping an in-house database that is incorporates into an automated storage and retrieval system ASRS. An automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) is a great resolution for CanGo’s inventory usage.Opportunities also exist in the Asia Pacific region for online sales. Company has to keep an eye on the future opportunities and possible consumers. The region could be their next step ahead to become a continental corporation. Updating the website to incorporate some of the marketing ideas found to be relevant in the recent research analysis project.Threats CanGo needs to expand its operating capacity to continue its’ growth. If they stay the same there won’t be growth, so in order to become more profitable, beneficial, and successful company they need to increase their productivity.Management must develop a strategic management plan. The purpose of the strategic marketing plan is to fit between the organization’s objectives and resources and its changing market opportunities so it is beneficial for the company. CanGo could potentially have employee retention problems. It is the responsibility of the CEO to ensure equal opportunity for all employees, adequate compensation packages, fair performance evaluation processes and career development programs for employees.Lack of capital for necessary growth needs. Lack of money and cost of ASRS system. Company needs to have funds to change or improve warehouse. When expanding into a new market CanGo needs to understand and take into account trends that are in the industry and account for them when doing any sort of planning.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reason, is the ability to use your thinking in order to form conclusions Essay

Reason, is the ability to use your thinking in order to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments. to use reason in order to so such things we need not only to think but also connect and make paths with the other ways of knowing and the mindful surrounds with the use of our senses like the article states. While trying to make conclusions, inferences or judgments we tend to search for courses that led to such behavior actions or outcomes. For example, we can take the idea of Sherlock homes whether he wanted to conclude about something he not only think about it but he actually search for the components who led to that. Then when he actually found the pieces of the puzzle he is able to conclude of make a judgment of any circumstance. For that reasons, we can say that in other to reach to conclusions and gain knowledge about them we firstly need to search for all the pieces and then put them together and conclude. Pursuing this further, reason on its can give us knowledge however, this information may not be as good and certain as when using all the components in order to reach to an ending. The article states that when actually observing the situations and using the mindful of the surroundings and using all the scenes in order to actually observe then, we are able to actually see what is behind the blanket and understand what we were actually searching for. Answers are easier when we actually search for them and find all the components that make one. If we tend to actually do into the conclusions we would never actually gain knowledge we most likely believe we are when we are not. In order to actually gain knowledge we need to search for it and use our perception emotion and language. In that moment we are able to gain knowledge the moment when we actually see the whole picture.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to End a Sentence (A Guide to Terminal Punctuation)

How to End a Sentence (A Guide to Terminal Punctuation) How to End a Sentence (A Guide to Terminal Punctuation) Punctuation marks that can be used to end a sentence are known as a â€Å"terminal† punctuation. But what exactly are your options in this respect? Check out our guide to terminal punctuation to find out. The Period The period (sometimes also known as a â€Å"full stop†) is the most common type of terminal punctuation. They are used for any sentences that are not questions or exclamations. For instance: Brevity is the soul of wit. This finality is why people say â€Å"period† at the end of a sentence to emphasize a point. Furthermore, we see the same punctuation mark used for: Decimal points (e.g., 3.1415) Abbreviations (e.g., â€Å"Prof.† or â€Å"Dr.†) Ellipses (i.e., a series of three dots used to indicate an omission [†¦]) The period is therefore very versatile! Technically, however, it only counts as â€Å"terminal punctuation† when used at the end of a sentence. The Question Mark We use question marks to show that a written sentence is a question. This only applies, however, when asking a direct question. For an indirect question (i.e., a question within a statement), we use a period instead: Direct Question: Is brevity the soul of wit? Indirect Question: He asked me whether brevity is the soul of wit. Finally, you can use either a period or a question mark after a rhetorical question. Make sure to apply punctuation consistently if you ask more than one rhetorical question in a document, though. The Exclamation Point Exclamation points are the most enthusiastic punctuation marks. We use them when we want to show that something is surprising or exciting, or to express strong emotions in general: Help! My writing lacks brevity and therefore wit! Here, for example, the exclamation marks indicate urgency (or possible panic). You can also use an exclamation point in fictional dialogue to show that a character is shouting or speaking loudly. â€Å"How witty!† Tim whooped in excitement. Keep in mind, though, that exclamation points lose their impact if overused. They are therefore best used sparingly, and you may want to avoid them completely in formal or academic writing. Summary: What Is Terminal Punctuation? Terminal punctuation indicates the end of a sentence. These marks include: Periods – Used for any sentence that is not a question or exclamation Question marks – Used to indicate a direct question Exclamation points – Used to express surprise or strong feelings If you need help with the punctuation in your writing, check out our services. Terminal punctuation marks.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Government in role of education essays

Government in role of education essays Here in the United States only those with money get to accomplish their dreams. Some who some do not have money to accomplish them with scholarships or financial aid. Some colleges or institutes they dont want undocumented immigrants in schools, but they cant say no to anyone because there is a law entitled No Child Left Behind. I think the government should fund more money to community colleges because of those students who range from 17 to 70 years of age, one out of four already, has a baccalaureate degree, one out of four has a documented learning disability; one out two is a first-generation college student. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, students at more than 27,500 schools nationwide, almost 31 percent of all U.S. public schools, are failing at math and reading. Since President Bush signed the sweeping education reforms in 2002, the law has drawn criticism from educators debating its strict performance and test requirements. The act requires all students to be proficient in reading, writing and math by 2014. Starting this academic year, parents of children in failing schools can demand transfers to better campuses. Over the next four years, schools must offer tutoring services, administrators and teachers can be fired, states can take over districts, and federal funds can be withheld. The federal government allocated a total of $58.3 billion for the program in fiscal year 2005. I think bilingual classes in elementary are not worth it, because I was in on and I didnt really learn anything like history or science until I got in 7th grade in a regular class. Because teachers focused only in English, they show you how to use the words, phrases, things that you see in a regular English class. Some of the federal funding is dedicated to these: In mentoring, there is 100 percent increase to expand and support school based mentoring program ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Environmental Science Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Science Questions - Essay Example Mars has 95 percent carbon dioxide, three percent nitrogen, two percent argon and less than one percent of oxygen. The differences and similarities offer clues of atmospheric evolutions over millions of years. In the same manner, if all life ceases on earth, it would take several hundreds of millions of years for it to be like Venus and Mars. Of all life forms, plants play the most significant role in reducing levels of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere. Without plants, the Earth’s atmosphere would be carbon-dominated in a similar way to Mars and Venus. For instance, millions of years ago, Venus was cooler that it currently is. Via a process known as runaway greenhouse effect, the planet was heated and most of the carbon dioxide in the rocks was released. This created a dense atmosphere that did not allow enough solar energy to reach the surface as well as hindering radiation back into the space. Effectively, without life on Earth, especially plant life, the atmosphe re would eventually have no oxygen and hydrogen and be laden with carbon dioxide. Temperatures and atmospheric pressure would also rise significantly. Question Two The Gaia hypothesis suggests that on Earth, there is a constant interaction between organisms and their inorganic surroundings. Evolving together, they form a complex, self-regulating system which contributes to the maintenance of the conditions supporting life on earth. The hypothesis is a true representation of how nature works because it explains how the abiotic environment is influenced by the biota and how, in turn, the environment influences the biota. For example, from the Precambrian era, photosynthetic bacteria and their activity have modified the atmosphere of planet Earth and transformed it into an aerobic one, which supports the evolution of life. This aspect of Gaia renders true the fact that the earth is constantly seeking the optimum chemical and physical balance to sustain contemporary life via an assortme nt of feedback loops. The hypothesis brings out the dynamic processes on earth and shows that there actually exists a link between the apparently contrasting biological and physical processes. Indeed, the balance as explained by the hypothesis regulates the salinity of oceans, atmospheric oxygen, carbon dioxide processing and Earth’s surface temperature. Like shown through scientific examples like the simplified Daisyworld simulations, organisms on Earth can influence and control their own survival as well as the environment. In the simulations, black daisies absorb most of the solar energy, making the environment unbearably hot. On the other hand, white daisies reflect back most of the solar energy, making the environment significantly cooler. When self-regulation takes over, there is a fluctuation in the number of black and white daisies and, eventually, the atmospheric temperature until a balance which can sustain life is achieved. Question Three In a natural environment, there exists a mixture of species with varied levels of success. One species or a combination of several may overshadow the rest in biological activity and their mass, hence become the dominant one. They greatly affect environmental conditions for other species. Conversely, there are also other species of intermediate abundance or scarcity, and their numbers primarily determine the diversity (or the richness in species) of the community. When a

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business plan - Essay Example st of 10 pages and should include at least cursory attention to such key matters as business concept, financing needs, marketing plan, balance sheet etc. It’s a good way to test the interest of potential partner or minor investor. The working plan is a tool to be used to operate the business. It may be long detail but short on presentation. A presentation plan differs from that more attention is paid to attractive formatting formal language and conciseness. It is suitable to show to bankers, investors outside the company. We proposed to plan a business based on kitchenware items dealing with import and distribution but not for retailing and it excludes electricals.Cleaner, sophisticated and an enjoyable kitchen ware would make cooking a convenient experience. Large facilities for manufacturing and storage enable to produce a wide range of kitchen accessories.Varieties are brought in different designs, shapes and sizes. The strength of these products depends on value-added high quality kitchen accessories. The overall tariff rate is relatively low; it imposes high tariffs on certain products. It is the market segment to which a particular product is marketed. There are mainly three steps to targeting: - Market Segmentation, Target Choice, Product Positioning. According to the United Kingdom’s Department of Commerce the entire trade is goes on developing nowadays. In setting a foundation on which a suitable market strategy for kitchen ware accessories have to face lot of competition. In order to compete with their own competitor’s adequate market segmentation is essential. It is important that the industry is geographically located with most of the client working on a local basis. Strategy and implementation summary of marketing says that image is the key factor for employees, because their work is more desirable and less price sensitive. 1) Advertising: - It is a paid form of services that are exclusively payable while incurring certain benefits.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Comparision of the similarities and differences between Economic Value Research Paper

Comparision of the similarities and differences between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Residual Income as a measure of corporate performance - Research Paper Example The purpose of this paper is to discuss residual income and economic value addded approach in order to compare and contrast their differennces and similarities. EVA is a concept created by the consulting firm Stern Steward & Company (Keys & Azamhuzjaev & Mackey, 2001). EVA is a wealth metric that is commonly referred too as economic profits. In mathematical terms EVA is calculated by taking net operating profits after tax (NOPAT) and reducing NOPAT by your total cost of capital which includes the combination of borrowing and equity costs (Exinfm, 2009). EVA has become a very popular tool in the corporate world. Many multinational corporations have utilized the concept to increase the value of their common stock. After the inception of EVA Coca-Cola stocks rose 200% from 1987 to 1993; another example is CVX whose stock rose from $28 to $75 in a five year span after adopting EVA (Chen & Dodd, 2001). Despite the these sucesss stories there is not enough emperical evidence to support the claim that adopting the managerial practice to optimize EVA is correlated with price increments in stock valuation. EVA is a concept that is relalative new in c omparison with other financial metrics such as earnings per share (EPS) and residual income. The application of EVA and its support and validity may replace EPS in the future an indicator that is included in the income statements of public corporations.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lady Macbeth Analysis Essay Example for Free

Lady Macbeth Analysis Essay Lady Macbeth has a manipulative, vindictive nature. She is a very controlling character yet we see her troubled mind reveal itself as the play progresses although as a character, in my opinion, when her mind unravels and her actions of insanity later occurs in the play I do not feel an ounce of sympathy for the murderous malicious actions of Macbeths temptress that lead him to doom and destruction. Therefore Lady Macbeth is just like a serpent that poisons her prey. In the opening scenes of the play it is clear to see how acutely in love Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are. When Macbeth is told the prophecy by the witches he immediately writes a letter to Lady Macbeth telling her of this news. Macbeth addresses Lady Macbeth as my dearest partner of greatness act 1 scene 5; this shows the magnitude of his love for her. He thoroughly respects her and reports to her, deliver thee not failing to tell her any new information. The first time we meet Lady Macbeth it doesnt give the reader a great perspective. She immediately becomes captivated in Macbeths letter and the prophecy of him being King, and conjures up a plan to kill Duncan, it is later revealed they are mutual friends, as he addresses her as honored hostess act 1 scene 6. This cold hearted nature and deep desire for social status and thriving ambition makes her desert any feelings of guilt and remorse, (for the time being). She is confident and strong, she fears Macbeth is not evil enough to execute a friend to reach the final goal of high status we hear this in her soliloquy, too full o the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way, act 1 scene 5 she prays for help metaphysical aid act 1 scene 5 to help Macbeth become ruthless. She fears he is without ambition act 1 scene 5 and so would not carry out the deed properly. Lady Macbeth even would do the murder herself as she prays to become manlier unsex me act 1 scenes 5-7, she prays that she will have no conscience and to be filled with poison. This shows the extent of her ambitious mind. It also reveals that although how evil she is, she still needs an extra push to give her confidence, this doesnt mean however that she is an innocent flower, she is still an evil serpent at the fact that she wishes to be even more evil and filled with malice. When she first meets Macbeth she begins to goad and persuade him to do the deed she administrates ideas of looking above suspicion. She tells him look like thinnocent flower, But be the serpent undert. act 1 scene 5, Shakespeare uses very expressive language here with contrasting imagery of a flower (which represents good) and a serpent (which represents evil). This could also be interpreted as a metaphor for Macbeths relationship with his wife in that when Lady Macbeth is plotting murderous schemes and manipulating her husband, Macbeth is presented in a good and vulnerable light. The same applies for when Macbeth decides to take the murders further later on in the book and the audience gains sympathy for his wife. Macbeth is left with little to say and is interrupted by his wife on several occasions in that scene, providing the audience with a clear insight into Shakespeares intentions for the hierarchy within the relationship. That hierarchy being where Macbeth is more or less controlled by what Lady Macbeth tells him to do, almost like a spell of her own. This provides strong evidence for those who believe that Lady Macbeth is like a serpent. Lady Macbeth shows more serpent techniques as she hides her malevolent plans while greeting her guest, the King, at her household. She is skilled with her welcome of politeness towards Duncan as she has already planned that Duncan will die, fatal battlements, act 1 scene 5 yet she can mask her wickedness and still seem courteous towards Duncan. Progressing through the book from the start Lady Macbeth now symbolizes the character of wickedness to her full extent, like a snake that targets its prey and is not satisfied until the aim is achieved. In Act 1 scene 7 we see how Lady Macbeth belittles her husband in an attempt for him to agree whole heartedly to kill the king of Scotland. She tries to make him feel weak and cowardly. She uses foul phrases with appalling imagery such as telling Macbeth that while she was breast feeding her baby she would: while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn you had done to this. She tries to come over as very menacing and heartless at this point in the play, making a point of the fact that if she had promised to kill her own child she would do so. The role of women at the time when Shakespeare wrote this play was that women were mothers and supported their husbands, there main objective would be to look after the home. A Shakespearian audience would be appalled that Lady Macbeth is neither and that she even threatens a life of a child. This shows how Lady Macbeth would have done almost anything to persuade Macbeth however, after the murder of Duncan, she contradicts herself rather strongly as she comments on not being able to kill her father. In Act 2 scene 2 Lady Macbeth shows strength. Macbeth returns from killing the king to discuss the event with his wife. Shakespeare uses this as an opportunity for the audience to feel sympathy as we see his grief and guilt. We also get to see a very new side to Lady Macbeth, she admits that if he had not looked like her own father she would have done the deed herself, showing that underneath her hard exterior, there are elements of compassion and guilt that though she expresses little, she still feels them just like any other human being. The audience then can see her snap out of her sensitive phase and channel her emotions into reassuring and controlling her husband. She tells him to dismiss his hallucinations about the dagger and to return them to frame the guards who were guarding Duncans room. These deeds must not be thought, after these ways; so, it will make us mad. The audience could consider this as foreshadowing of what occurs as the play progresses as both Lady Macbeth and her husband experience mental disturbances because of the horrific crimes they committed. Hands are used as a metaphor throughout this scene and as an extended metaphor throughout the play. Macbeth refers to his as hangmans hands and uses phrases such as ravelled sleeve of care, whereas Lady Macbeth is far more literal and tells him to wash this filthy witness from your hand. This could be interpreted as the hands representing guilt and so each character handles the guilt in different ways; Macbeth is very open about his guilt and remorse by using dramatic devices such as personification and metaphors, for example: Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more. Lady Macbeth, however, deals with her culpability in a different way in that she pretends to feel nothing towards the situation but it obviously haunts her as we see in her final scene in Act 5 scene 1 where she sleep walks and hallucinates. Shakespeare illustrates this well when Lady Macbeth mocks Macbeth for being so gentle: My hands are of your colour, but I shame, to wear a heart so white. She also says rather flippantly, A little water clears us of this deed. How easy is it then! Your constancy hath left you unattended. Shakespeares intention for this scene, I think, was to show us that there is a sensitive, guilty side underneath her shell of ambition and malevolence. Conversely the depth of evil she has shown so far throughout the play cannot make her an innocent flower but an evil and manipulative serpent. When Macduff discovers Duncans murder with great astonishment, he alerts the whole castle including Banquo, Malcolm and Donaldbain of the kings death and so Lady Macbeth enters. She acts very much like thinnocent flower by pretending to be oblivious to what had happened in the previous scene, Whats the business that such a hideous trumpet calls to parley, the sleepers of the house? Then with immense dramatic irony, Macduff replies calling her gentle lady and commenting on the fact that the talk of murderous deeds is too tender for a womans ears. The audience would find this somewhat amusing as they know that Lady Macbeth is responsible for persuading Macbeth to commit the murder of Duncan and so would not in any way find the subject too sensitive or painful. Lady Macbeth is very much out of control in this scene, she is surprised to find out that Macbeth killed the two attendants which werent in her plan and she begins to falter. In the Macbeths relationship this is somewhat very different from the beginning, Macbeth did not consult Lady Macbeth of killing the attendants and this shows their relationship distancing. Lady Macbeth shows her fragility by fainting, although it is unknown to the audience if she genuinely fainted or if it is an act. Lady Macbeth experiences a loss of power and control in Act 3 scene 2, where Macbeth arranges his next murder without her involvement. Shakespeare has her character showing compassion to her husbands sorriest fancies when he complains of insecurity about his dangerous thoughts and deeds. She tries to make him forget what has happened by instructing him: Using those thoughts which should indeed have died, with them think on? Things without all remedy should be without regard; whats done is done. But Lady Macbeth has lost some of her control, her serpent like naturisms have become wilted but like a serpent, it always remains. Lady Macbeth presents herself as the gracious hostess once more as she invites the lords to dinner in Act 3 scene 4. At the beginning of the scene the audience is presented with the news of Banquos slaughter. Lady Macbeth suspects this but is not directly informed as her husband has somewhat distanced himself from her, implying that he does not need her influences for villainous thoughts any more, he can do it all by himself now. This scene manages to arouse some sympathy for Lady Macbeth as we see her power lessening downfall. This could be what ultimately leads to her suspected suicide. The audience gets to understand that Shakespeare did not want to present Lady Macbeth as a character who takes pleasure in the sight of bloodshed and gore, but one who craves power and enforces her ambitions upon those she can manipulate. We also see a role reversal here for the second time in the play. She already has upset the natural order of marital hierarchy from the beginning of the play where she presents herself in the dominant role which was extremely uncommon for that period. Then as the play progresses she becomes part of a downward spiral where she loses power and the status within the marriage as she becomes the more recessive figure next to her now dominant husband. Which in essence, could her suicide later on in the play be reflected upon the idea that Lady Macbeth needs to be the dominate figure? I think that she becomes so broken by her husbands horrific actions that even she wouldnt commit and she cant take anymore of the division between the once close couple this could be seen as an innocent flower but considering everything that has happened throughout the play, she can certainly not be called innocent. The ghost of Banquo makes an appearance at the dinner table in this scene but of course only Macbeth can see (another one of his deluded hallucinations like the dagger). He becomes extremely unsettled by this and begins to shout at the ghost with a fiery passion that stuns the rest of his guests. Thou canst not say I did it; never shake thy gory locks at me! Ross initiates the lords standing up and leaving their new king in peace to rest and collect himself but Lady Macbeth being thinnocent flower that she pretends to be assures the lords that he is fine and is just unwell. The audience feels some sort of consideration for her as we can see her husbands mental health deteriorates and her power disintegrate. She snaps at Macbeth Are you a man? as she quite obviously feels utterly embarrassed by his reactions to the ghost. She tries to use this as an opportunity to regain her status above Macbeth which is understandable as she feels defeated but is selfish considering her husbands stat e, she shows serpent qualities, the need to be in control of her prey. In the most dramatic scene in Lady Macbeths presence on stage, the audience is given the opportunity to see the real Lady Macbeth as her subconscious takes over her physical state. Having no further matters to occupy her mind as Macbeth no longer tells her his plans, she begins to dwell on the past, slipping further and further from reality until she eventually completely loses her hold on sanity and takes her own life. At the beginning of her last scene, Act 5 scene 1, the doctor and gentlewoman are analyzing her recent behavior, She has light by her continually, tis her command. As light is a common metaphor for purity this insinuates that she doesnt want to be considered evil and wants to redeem herself but cant because she is too involved to dig herself out now and so her subconscious speaks the words she cannot. Out damned spot! Out, I say! One, two. Why then tis time to dot. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear? Who knows it, when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? A Shakespearian audience would have recognized the spot as the devils mark and would have reacted with horror as they saw this scene being played; this shows that once again she can be called a serpent. Shakespeare has used very disjointed language with punctuation separating every short phrase. This translates to her being very edgy and emotionally unstable. She then reels off a list of other people for which she feels responsible for their deaths as well as her husband. She refers back to the common theme of hands which has occurred throughout the play. What, will these hands neer be clean? All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. O, O, O. She still refers to her hands as being little and the need for them to be sweetened and so this indicates the want for her to be filled with good and that she is feeling genuine guilt and mental anguish. This anguish finally leads to her suicide by unspecified means. Shakespeare probably chose not to present the death of Lady Macbeth on stage to add to the impact of her exit and last scene and also to be slightly ambiguous. I think a dying scene would have been effective for Lady Macbeths last scene; she could perhaps have given a soliloquy explaining how she truly was feeling. To let her portray her malice side and let the audience be satisfied to call her an evil serpent. The significance of Lady Macbeth being an evil woman becoming tortured with guilt and grief is off great importance to a Shakespearian audience, in that time they believed in witchcraft and in my opinion Lady Macbeth could be portrayed as how people who are evil and malicious never get away with the deed. I think a Shakespearian audience would think witchcraft would have been involved in Lady Macbeths downfall and this would be very real and true for them. She was certainly a bold character for going against the Chain of Being in which God was considered to be ultimately at the top with monarchs under that and other members of society such as lords and townsfolk following after, but at the bottom were women and so she was courageous to consider herself to be above even monarchy! Though wrong, especially considering what was said if the chain of being was to be disrupted, that chaos would arise, disrupting the natural order of life on earth and in the heavens which is seen as inexcusable a definite serpent quality. To conclude, it is evident that Shakespeare had Lady Macbeths emotional state disintegrate as the play proceeded to in effect show the downfall of a control freak. In the first two acts we have little sympathy for Lady Macbeth as Shakespeare only provides the audience with her vindictive exterior, at this time we cannot see what she is truly thinking and feeling. It is only as the play progresses that we understand why she turns out to be the way that she is, that she has a very ambitious character and so enforces that upon her husband. She feels that Macbeth becoming king will benefit them both and sees killing the existing king as the fastest way to get to the throne. She then becomes gradually defeated as Macbeths ambition and obsession with becoming king begins to soar and spiral. She is then over-ridden with guilt and eventually feels that she cannot bear the guilt that torments her troubled mind and so decides to end it all. Had her ambition not overridden her sense of morality, she could have been a respectable, intelligent woman who complemented her husbands abilities to form a perfect partnership. However, she ended up becoming a tortured, immoral, dejected soul, and disliked by many people becoming a serpent.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Architecture, Principle, and Culture: The Universal Value for Which Sta

Stanford University is a private research university located in Stanford, CA at geographical coordinates 37.43Â ° N, 122.17Â ° W. Erected in 1891 in memory of the founders’ son, Leland Stanford Junior, The Stanford University campus combines Romanesque, neoclassic and Mission Revival architectural styles on its buildings, with red tile roofs, sandstone walls, and beautiful aesthetic decorative details. Its architectural landmarks, for example, the Main Quad and Memorial Church, are representative of many eras of culture and technological advancement in the United States. Its physical and symbolic aspects make it a universally valuable site like no other. Stanford University is a site of outstanding universal value because of its architecture, which is representative of many eras of historic technological innovation physically as well as symbolically. Stanford’s Main Quad is a brilliant exhibit of architecture that reveals influences from important eras in European architecture yet maintains a Romanesque, mission revival theme that is also prevalent throughout campus. In addition to this, Stanford maintains a commitment to academic advancement and excellence. A place of such physical and intellectual prowess merits outstanding universal value. The campus meets criteria (i), (ii), and (iv): its architecture is representative of creative human genius, is a testimony to the cultural tradition of the United States, and illustrates significant states in human history in the United States, while its intangible aspects exhibits an interchange of human values over the span of more than a century. Both its authenticity and integrity a re attributed to the fact that the campus maintains a culture representative of the entire World. Stanford is... ...f sites such as these, we may lose the opportunity for preservation altogether in the future. We need to preserve the Stanford campus now in order to protect the legacy for which it stands. Works Cited "Canterbury Cathedral, St Augustine's Abbey, and St Martin's Church." UNESCO World Heritage Centre. UNESCO. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. . The Founding Grant; with Amendments, Legislation, and Court Decrees. [Stanford, Calif.]: Stanford University, 1971. Web. . Joncas, Richard, David J. Neuman, and Paul Venable. Turner. Stanford University. New York: Princeton Architectural, 2006. Print. "Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville." UNESCO World Heritage Centre. UNESCO. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Deaf President Now

Richard Evans 12 October 2012 Deaf Community Midterm: DPN Who Will Be President It all started in 1987 at the first deaf school in the United States, Gallaudet University. Former President Dr. Jerry C. Lee resigned at the end of 1987 and the school needed to find another president to take place. So in February of 1988 the committee announced the finalists for the running for a new president. A majority of the candidates were of hearing and just a couple were of deaf nature. Let us start by discussing, who were the candidates, what initially started the troubles in 1988, and how it was finally resolved.In 1988 when Gallaudet University needed to find a new president to take over for the open position at stake they had many people send in their resumes to the committee who takes care of that kind of stuff. They later announced the finalists and some were hearing and some were deaf and considering this is a deaf school, wouldn’t one think that a deaf president would fit a lot bet ter than a hearing person? Well the finalists that were announced were the following: Dr. Harvey Corson, who is deaf, Dr. I.King Jordan, who was also deaf, and Dr. Elisabeth Zinser, who is hearing. The congregation of Gallaudet wanted the presidency to be filled by one of the two deaf candidates and they started writing and sending letters to the board to let them know how they would like to see the direction of the school. Then the school announced who was going to take over the open position and when they said it was the hearing candidate the school was in shock, and that’s when history was forever changed at that school.March 1, 1988 was the day when the board finally announced their decision and when the University had announced that Zinser had become the new president of the university the students, angered and with feelings of betrayal, marched to the board meeting and they demanded to be told why that was the decision that had been made. The following day is when they finally got to hear why they made the decision and the students of Gallaudet were appalled. Meetings upon meetings took place between the student congregation debating what next step was needed to be taken.They decided to barricade the way onto the campus the next morning and they rallied and gave speeches to all the students and the protest leaders came to a conclusion on what they wanted. They gave the board 4 ultimatums that must be met or else and they were: 1. Zinser Must resign and a deaf president be selected; 2. Spilman must step down off of the board; 3. The percentage of deaf persons on the board must be a majority; and 4. There must be no reprisals against any of the protesters. And the board said no to all of their demands and the protesters then turned to marching to the Capitol Building in D. C.The following day the university wasn’t barricaded any longer and the university’s classes took place but the protesters boycotted the classes and went to speeches and rallies instead. The rallies had then gotten so large that it was being covered by national television, programs, and newspapers. Zinser then thought to herself that she needed to begin her presidency early and she started appearing on campus to show that she cares. But she was turned down quickly and then the following day she resigned and the students took march to the capital to get the other 3 demands to be taken and make sure they are done.The next day was a day break for everyone to relax so that Sunday they would then start up again. Then all 4 demands were met and Dr. I. King Jordan was the first deaf president at Gallaudet University. In 8 days and tons of emotional stress and action packed days the rallies and everything came to an end and everyone was happy. To review all of what had happened just shows with a lot of heart and effort one can succeed in anything and the congregation at Gallaudet had shown the world that the deaf community can stick up and join togethe r and not budge.This revolution at Gallaudet will always be remembered and marks a big spot in history for the deaf community. Works Cited â€Å"Deaf President Now Protest – Gallaudet University. † Deaf President Now Protest – Gallaudet University. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Oct. 2012. . â€Å"DeafWeb Washington: CSCDHH GA Newsletter – March 1998. † DeafWeb Washington: CSCDHH GA Newsletter – March 1998. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Oct. 2012. . Lane, Harlan L. , Robert Hoffmeister, and Benjamin J. Bahan. A Journey into

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Henkie Essay

6.1 Lehman Brothers Lehman Brothers was one of the main casualties of the US end of the global financial crisis that began in 2007. The US Government, fearing the loss of confidence in the financial markets bailed out Fannie May and Freddie Mac, AIG, and some other financial institutions. But when it came to Lehman Brothers, then the fourth largest investment bank in the US, the Government refused to support and the bank filed for bankruptcy. Whether this was a sound decision is, probably, not the subject for this case – though that decision did precipitate a lot of subsequent problems. Rather the case has been written to generate discussion about the domination of a major institution by one man – Richard S. Fuld Jr. The case claims that Lehman Brothers was dominated by Richard S. Fuld Jr. Was this desirable? What steps could have been taken to avoid it? Who could have initiated these steps? The discussion should raise questions: where was the board, particularly the independent outside directors? Did they understand the risks involved in the business model being pursued by the CEO? Were they acquiescent, pliable, too-trusting, or dominated by the man who was chairman of the board, chairman of the executive committee, and CEO? Where was the audit committee, indeed, where were the auditors? Where was the nomination committee, which should have been considering board structure and membership? Indeed, where was anyone capable of standing up to Fuld? The second issue concerns the directors’ ages. Certainly many of them had relevant past experience, but many were old. True, some old people can contribute significantly to board discussions from the experience, knowledge and wisdom. But others deteriorate with age. The Lehman’s board lacked a balance. The third question – is it possible for the research analysts of a financial institution to give independent investment advice to clients about a company when the financial institution has an interest in that company? – can generate an important discussion that corporate regulators still struggle to control 6.2 The Siemens AG case 1. What might Kleinfeld have done to avoid resigning? Given the apparent cultural clash between Kleinfeld’s apparent Anglo-Saxon approach to tough-minded management and the more socially-concerned German supervisory board perspective, there might have been little he could do, other than, perhaps, communicating more closely with the labour and financial members of the supervisory board. In fact, subsequent rumours about the situation surfaced, which suggested there was more to the problem than a clash of expectations. Students might be able to unearth more information from press reports. 6.3 Tokyo Electric Power and the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi This case exemplifies how a company can report confidently that it has satisfied all the required corporate governance criteria and yet have serious governance flaws that led to a serious problem becoming a catastrophe. 1. Did the structure of the board contribute to the failures? The board was large, executive and lacking any sense of independent outside directors. This is typical in many well-established Japanese companies, as we will see in this chapter. Attempts by the Japanese Government and some international institutional investors, such as US CalPers, have largely failed to change attitudes in the boardroom, to where power should reside and who should be ‘promoted’ to the board. 2. How do you account for the discrepancies between the company’s alleged concern for corporate governance on its website and the catastrophic failure? This was a company that apparently did not accept the significance of professional corporate governance thinking, but went through the motions to satisfy the regulators and stock market investors. 3. What advice would you give to the chairman of TEPCO? Encourage the students to appreciate the personal and cultural aspects of the situation. â€Å"Replace the board with a majority of independent directors† is not a satisfactory answer. This is not the US or the UK. There is no tradition of independent directors, it runs contrary to many top executive beliefs. Moreover, where are these INEDs to come from? Pressure from institutional investors to resign might work: but there has to be a replacement. Alternatively, consulting advice, mentoring, attitude changing activities, experience on other boards could all be among the ideas suggested. 6.4 The TYCO case What should a board do to ensure that a CEO does not treat the company as a private fiefdom? Recognize that the CEO probably played a major part in the appointment of the other directors. Furthermore, resignation from the board may have little effect on the CEO’s behaviour. This is another corporate governance classic. The challenge to students is to go beyond normative generalisations about how boards should be constituted and how directors should behave. They need to realize that personalities really matter. As in many corporate governance sagas mentioned in the textbook, powerful people can exercise considerable charisma, influence and authority over others – particularly if they have chosen them themselves. What was required was a group of INEDs who would insist on knowing what was going on, and if dissatisfied stand up to the CEO/chairman. If appropriate, this case can be explored further from a legal aspect to see what offences Kozlowski committe d.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Direct Quotations

Definition and Examples of Direct Quotations A direct quotation is a report of the exact words of an author or speaker and is placed inside quotation marks  in a written work. For example, Dr. King said, I have a dream. Comparing Types of Quotations Direct quotations are commonly introduced by a signal phrase (also called a quotative frame), such as Dr. King said or Abigail Adams wrote, and are used in written and in audio or visual media, especially if an anchor or reporter is giving someones exact words without having a recording of the person actually saying it. For example, a newscaster would say, Dr. King said, and I quote, I have a dream unquote.   By contrast, indirect quotations also may have signal phrases leading into them, but the words are not what the person said or wrote word for word, just a paraphrase or a summary of what the words were, such as, At the March on Washington, Dr. King spoke of the dreams that he had for the nation. A  mixed quotation  is an indirect quotation that includes a directly quoted expression (in many cases just a single word or brief phrase):  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹King  melodiously praised the veterans of  creative suffering, urging them to continue the struggle. When you have a long direct quotation in a written work, such as more than 60 or 100 words or more than four or five lines, instead of using quotation marks around it, you may be told by your style guide or assignment parameters to set it off with indents on either side and to put the text in italics or make some other typographical change. This is a block quotation. (See the long quote in the next section for an example, though this sites style is to retain quote marks, even around block quotes.) When to Use Direct Quotes When youre writing, use direct quotes sparingly, because the essay or article is supposed to be your original work. Use them for emphasis, when the reader needs to see the exact words for analysis  when theyre evidence, or when the exact quote perfectly encapsulates the topic at hand more succinctly or better than you could. Author Becky Reed Rosenberg discusses using direct quotes when writing in the sciences vs. the humanities. In the first place, the general convention in the sciences and social sciences is that we use  direct quotations  as little as possible. Whenever possible,  paraphrase  your source. The exception is when the source is so eloquent or so peculiar that you really need to share the original language with your readers. (In the humanities, direct quoting is more important- certainly where you are talking about a literary source. There the original language  IS  the object of study very often.) (Using Direct Quotation. Writing Center at the University of Washington, Bothell) In news writing, dont be tempted to correct grammar or other errors when youre directly quoting your source- though you would want to comment in your text about factual errors the speaker made at the time of the statement. You can use ellipses to cut some things out of a direct quote, but even that should be done sparingly. In news, accuracy and proper context are paramount, and you dont want to look like youre doctoring the sources words. In essays and reports, anytime you use someone elses ideas in your work, either by direct or indirect quotations, that person needs either attribution or  credit, or else you are committing plagiarism.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Remembering Mike essays

Remembering Mike essays The death of my friend Mike Walker taught me the true meaning of the cliche, Life does not last forever, so live each day like it is the last. I treasure my friends and family more than anything in the world. A good friend is hard to find. I thought this was true until the first day I met Mike. I remember the day perfectly and I will always remember it for as long as I live. To me Mike was a great person. He was always laughing and telling jokes. Of course he had his down times like everyone else, but he did not allow himself to stay down for long. He was the type of guy to just walk up to anybody and say, Hi, I am Mike Walker. The first time I met him, I was sitting down to lunch with my friend, Andrew. We were not there long when another guy sat down. He immediately looked at me and said, Hi, I am Mike Walker. I was so surprised by his welcoming smile that I was left speechless. After a slight nudge from Andrew, I responded with my name and was greeted by yet another charming smile. It was not long before I realized I had sat down to lunch with the golf team. They were all talking and goofing off while I quietly ate my lunch. When I looked up, Mike was staring at me. He looked right at me, as if he were reading my mind. He looked around the table before saying, All right guys, subject change. What do you want to talk about, Stacy? I never got the chance to answer because lunch was over. As we left the cafeteria Mike turned to me and said, Dont worry we will talk about what you want next time. With a smile on his face (as well as mine), he was gone. From then on Mike and I had a friendship. We talked in the halls and after school. Mike was a great person and could always make me happy. One day I was talking to Mike before school let out. We were laughing and joking as usual. He told me he was going to be around after school and to find him l ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Online MBA Students Make

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Online MBA Students Make An online MBA degree can help you get a better job, a higher position, and a pay raise. However, a simple mistake such as choosing the wrong school or failing to network with your peers could harm your chances of finding success.If you want to do well in your online MBA program, avoid these common mistakes: Enrolling in a Non-accredited Online MBA Program Avoid it: A degree from an unaccredited school may not be accepted by other universities and future employers. Before enrolling in any online MBA program, check to see if the school is accredited by the proper regional association.Fix it: If youre already attending a school that isnt properly accredited, try to transfer to a school that is. Before applying to a new school, ask them to explain their transfer policy. With any luck, you may still be able to salvage some of your work. Not Taking Online MBA Work Seriously Avoid it: Its easy to do less than your best when an instructor isnt standing over your shoulder. But dont dig yourself into a hole by neglecting your assignments. Good grades can mean a better chance at scholarships and a better chance at nailing your first post business school job. Make a schedule that allows time for school as well as family, career, and anything else that is important to you. Set aside time each day to complete your work without distraction. If youre still having trouble getting your work done, consider taking a lighter load. Remember that balance is key.Fix it: If youre already behind on work, arrange a phone meeting to talk to each of your professors. Explain your situation and your renewed commitment to complete your assignments. You may offer to do extra credit or participate in special projects to get your grades back up. If you find yourself slipping again, recruit family members and friends to help keep you on track. Ignoring MBA Program Peers Avoid it: Networking is one of the biggest perks of business school. Most traditional students leave their MBA program with a Rolodex full of contacts that can help them in their new profession. It can be hard to meet people through a virtual classroom; but, its not impossible. Start off your program right by introducing yourself to your peers and professors. Always participate in class chat sessions and message boards. When you complete a course, send a message to your peers letting them know that youve enjoyed meeting them and giving them a way to contact you in the future. Ask them to respond likewise.Fix it: If youve let networking fall to the wayside, its not too late. Start introducing yourself now. Before you graduate, send out a note or an email to students you may be able to work with in the future. Paying for an Online MBA Degree Out of Your Own Pocket Avoid it: There are tons of financial resources for online MBA students. Scholarships, grants, and special programs can help ease the cost of tuition. Before starting your first semester, get as much financial help as possible. Also, be sure to set up a meeting with your boss. Some employers will help pay an employees tuition if they think the degree will benefit the company.Fix it: If youre already paying for everything out-of-pocket, check to see what opportunities are still available. If your school offers access to a financial counselor, call her up and ask for advice. Many scholarships allow students to re-apply each year, giving you multiple chances to be granted cash. Missing Out on Work Experience Avoid it: Internships and work-study programs provide students with real-life business knowledge, valuable contacts, and, often, a new job. Since many online MBA programs dont require that students spend their summers interning for major corporations, some students simply forgo this opportunity. But, dont let this chance get away! Call up your school and ask them what work experience programs are available or contact a company to ask for internship details.​Fix it: Most internships are only available to students, so be sure to arrange something before you graduate. Even if you already have a job you may still be able to get an internship for a brief period of time or during irregular hours.